Media Release 23-97 Township Facilities Closed due to Inclement Weather
Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 03:08 PM
For Immediate Release
Minden, Ontario
November 21, 2023
3:00 PM
Release # 23-97
Subject: Township Facilities Closed due to Inclement Weather
Please be advised that the Township Administration Office, Minden Hills Cultural Centre and S.G. Nesbitt Memorial Arena have been CLOSED today due to freezing rain and icy road conditions.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
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Media Release 23-96 Township of Minden Hills Appoints New Chief Administrative Officer
Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 12:22 PM
For Immediate Release
Minden, Ontario
November 21, 2023
12:00 PM
Release #23-96
Subject: Township of Minden Hills Appoints New Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
We are very pleased to announce the hiring of Cynthia Fletcher as the new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the Township of Minden Hills, effective November 23, 2023.
After an extensive recruitment process, Minden Hills Council is pleased to welcome Cynthia to our team and to the Township.
“I am extremely pleased that Cynthia will...
Public Notice - Shore Road Allowances December 2023
Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 11:18 AM
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Corporation of the Township of Minden Hills proposes to consider a by-law to stop up, close, and convey the parcel of land more particularly described as follows:
- File No. PLSRA2022048: Part of the original shore road allowance along the shore of Horseshoe Lake, lying in front of 1018 Out of the Way Trail located within Lot 12, Concession 6, Geographic Township of Minden
- File No. PLSRA2023003: Part of the original shore road allowance along the shore of Bat Lake,...
Media Release 23-95 Santa Claus Parade Road Closure
Posted on Thursday, November 16, 2023 11:05 AM
For Immediate Release
Minden, Ontario
November 16, 2023
11:00 AM
Release #23-95
SUBJECT: Santa Claus Parade Road Closure
A rolling road closure will take place on November 18, 2023, in order to accommodate the annual Santa Claus Parade. The parade is expected to take place from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
The parade route is as follows:
- Starting from the SG Nesbitt Arena parking lot following Parkside Street to the Bobcaygeon Road
- Bobcaygeon Road to Newcastle Street
- Newcastle Street to St. Germaine Street
- St....
Media Release 23-94 Minden Hills Cultural Centre prepares for new exhibit
Posted on Monday, November 13, 2023 10:00 AM
For Immediate Release
Minden, Ontario
November 13, 2023
10:00 AM
Release #23-94
Subject: Minden Hills Cultural Centre prepares for new exhibit
The Minden Hills Cultural Centre, including the Agnes Jamieson Gallery, will be closed from November 27 to December 3 as we prepare the gallery and install an exhibit featuring artwork from our permanent collection. We will re-open to the public on Tuesday, December 4 from 10 AM to 4 PM.
For questions regarding the Cultural Centre, please call the...