Education and Fire Safety
Fire Status is set at Moderate
Daytime burning is permitted from November 1 to March 31.
Public Education
We offer a variety of training and information on how to keep you and your family safe. Please explore the available options below. Forms are currently available by contacting the Fire Department.

Tour a firetruck, see our firefighting equipment, and get a brief discussion on home fire safety and the firefighter's role within the community.

For groups of 25 people or less, a fire station tour can be arranged. See where firefighters work, and train, up close while receiving information on home fire safety.

We attend community, corporate and special events to discuss, and present fire and life safety messages relevant to your audience.
Smoke Alarms for Everyone (S.A.F.E) Program
A working smoke alarm is a basic, fundamental requirement for home fire safety, and it’s the Law.
Effective March 1, 2006, it is the law for all Ontario homes to have a working smoke alarm on every story and outside all sleeping areas. This covers single family, semi-detached and town homes, whether owned-occupied or rented. We are most vulnerable to fire when we sleep, most fatal fires occur at night when people are sleeping. A working smoke alarm will detect smoke and sound to alert you. A working smoke alarm provides the protection required.
The objectives of the S.A.F.E program is to talk to the community and educate them about the importance of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in their homes; regular maintenance of these alarms; as well as; home escape planning and being prepared for emergencies.
The S.A.F.E Program (Smoke Alarm for Everyone) is a residential smoke alarm installation program run within the Township of Minden Hills (MHFD). The goal is to supply and install a smoke alarm in owner-occupied households not equipped with a working smoke alarm/ Carbon Monoxide Alarms we will also discuss fire safety and educate residents to be prepared for possible emergencies. If a homeowner does not have the resources to supply and install their own smoke alarm for any reason, they are free to apply to have one provided by the program.
Ontario Fire departments responded to several residential structure fires in 2022 as result 133 fire-related deaths were recorded in Ontario in 2022 according to the fire marshal's office.
The S.A.F.E Program is a free service to allow firefighters into your residence for a voluntary fire inspection to ensure safety of you and your family. Complete the form in the link below if you would like to participate in the S.A.F.E Program.
Form to Participate in the S.A.F.E Program
Fire Prevention Week
Since 1922 fire departments have promoted Fire Prevention Week with the goal of providing awareness on how to stay safe in case of a fire. Fire Prevention Week commemorates the Great Chicago Fire (October 8 to 10, 1871). The fire caused devastating damage, killing approximately 300 people, and leaving more than 100,000 people homeless. It also destroyed more than 17,000 structures, and destroyed over 2,000 acres of land.
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Fire Drills and Safety Plans
Fire Drills and Fire Safety Plans are excellent tools to practice fire safety and help you to be prepared in an emergency.
Please contact our department for assistance with fire drills or for more information on fire safety plans.